
Monday, May 13, 2013

“Jumper”- The movie it Could Have Been

“Jumper” seemed like a special effects driven story with little plot other than good guy vs. bad guy with a good looking couple having sex at some point in the movie. The film seemed to limit itself in the scope of the message it portrayed. The main character, David, has the ability to jump anywhere in the world he wants to, as long as he knows the exact spot. Others have this innate ability, and some "secret" corporation or bad guy organization or whatever hunts down and kills those with the ability to "jump." It’s pretty general sci fi plot stuff here. David uses his power for selfishness, stealing money from banks (but leaving "I Owe You" notes) to pay for his extravagant lifestyle. He has a flat in London, goes to the pyramids of Egypt, etc. He meets another jumper and is pursued by Samuel L. Jackson, with a love interest caught in the middle. There’s nothing groundbreaking here.

Our protagonist learns the error of his ways, for sure, and the movie seems to be a character introduction and setup for the sequel. Let’s hope so. The sequel could be so much better, because one element that seems to be missing that was actually toyed with during the film. At one point, David watches a news report of a major natural disaster wreaking havoc in some third world country. The movie could have made a turn at this point, with David "jumping" in to save lives. Instead, he goes off and continues his adventure by having a huge CG battle with Jackson with the help of his jumper friend. Why can’t David use his powers to help those in dire straits? That would have made a much more interesting movie.

However, it’s revealed that David’s mother is also a jumper hunter. This complicates things a bit, and makes the emotional center of the film stronger. What will happen in Jumper 2? Will it be Mother vs. Son in an epic battle? Will the League of Jumper Hunters be thwarted by a mother’s love? Will David become a hero, saving those in dire straits instead of living a self-indulgent lifestyle?

Let’s hope!

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